The Scrap Tyre | Disposal Tyre | Recycling Company In Oxfoard United Kingdom

The with 26 million plus cars in the UK, increasing at around 350,000 annually, and in the USA who knows how many cars, but increasing at over 16 million annually, the world is on course for a disaster that could choke the life from our planet. Vehicle Scrap Tyre Collection  Oxford UK form a vital part in the safety, design, and comfort of these millions of machines, but by their very design, they are made out of long-lasting, robust materials, some of which are highly toxic. This of course means that when we need to replace them, the old carcasses will not just melt away, or be very easily recycled. Indeed their very manufacture results in an end product that unfortunately contains a mixture of rubber and steel, but also a number of highly toxic and environmentally toxic materials. Burn them, or incinerate them, and masses of dangerous toxic and greenhouse gasses are produced, along with a highly toxic waste ash.







Why recycling is required?


Because of the current massive cost of disposing of Scrap Tyre collection Oxford in this manner, virtually millions of tires have been dumped, both legally and illegally, in landfills, old mine shafts, in lakes, as well as seas and oceans around the world. Container-loads end up sailing half-way round the world to all sorts of weird and awful resting places.

Now, let's just take a look at the UK Tyre situation (tires of course to many overseas cousins).


With 26 million cars in the UK, let's assume that one in three of these cars will have their tires changed every three years. Let's say that around 8 million sets of tires are changed - that's around 32 million tires! With around 100 car tires to the ton, that is a massive 320,000 tons of tires from the UK to be Scrap Tyre collection Oxford of - one way or the other - every year.



Get best Tyre collection:


Now, Scrap Tyre collection Oxford as it comes off a car is bulky and difficult. Technologies for shredding tires, and removing the steel bands for recycling are well advanced, However, from July 2003, land filling of complete tires has been illegal, and land filling of shredded tires was banned from July 2006. Many action groups have been set up to assist in the disposal of used tires, but none have yet to find the best method of safe disposal. Until recently, the only way of disposing of used tires in any volume, was to use incineration plants. But these plants literally just destroyed the energy and raw material contained in the Scrap Tyre collection Boston, did not generate much in terms of recycled energy, and still produced toxic landfill ash waste, as well as needing a giant smoke stack which puthered out masses of greenhouse gasses, and noxious toxic fumes, which drifted back down on our rivers and fields - polluting the food chain.



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